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second group of 意味

"second group of"の例文


  • 《the ~》~の第二陣
  • second     1second n. 第 2 位(の人); 《英》 (大学の試験の)第 2 級; 〔自動車〕 第 2 速, セカンド; 〔野球〕 2 塁; (ボクシング
  • group     1group n. 群れ; 集団, 同好会, グループ, 組, 派. 【動詞+】 These languages comprise a
  • group of     《a ~》一団{いちだん}の~、一群{いちぐん}の~ A tiger attacked a group of tourists this
  • a second    a second セカンド
  • by a second    一足違いで
  • for a second    {1} : 少し[ちょっと]の間、一瞬{いっしゅん} Just be quiet for a moment [minute, second]. ちょっと黙っててよ。 Just listen for a moment [minute, second], please. とにかく頼むからちょっと聞いてよ。 Will you please excuse me for a moment [minute
  • in a second    すぐに、たちまち◆【略】in a sec I'll be at your house in a second. すぐにあなたの家に行こう。
  • in second    (ギアが)セカンドで
  • on second    考え直して
  • second     1second n. 第 2 位(の人); 《英》 (大学の試験の)第 2 級; 〔自動車〕 第 2 速, セカンド; 〔野球〕 2 塁; (ボクシング 決闘などの)介添え人, セコンド; 補佐; 《米》 (動議の)支持. 【動詞+】 get a second 《英》 2 級を取る play second (野球で) 2 塁を守る The runner i
  • the second ..    the second .. 第二次 だいにじ
  • a group    a group 一群れ ひとむれ 一塊 一塊り いっかい ひとかたまり 一団 いちだん 一群 いちぐん
  • as a group    集団的に
  • group     1group n. 群れ; 集団, 同好会, グループ, 組, 派. 【動詞+】 These languages comprise a single group. これらの言語は同一グループをなしている The inquiry group was disbanded without discovering the cause of the accident. 事故原
  • group of    《a ~》一団{いちだん}の~、一群{いちぐん}の~ A tiger attacked a group of tourists this afternoon. 一頭のトラが今日の午後、観光客の一団を襲った。 We are a group of five 我々は5人のグループです


  • when the second group of children came in
  • you bring in a second group of people
  • there's a second group of people
  • the second group of meanings of tariki hongan is mainly used in the context without a religious background , and indicates " relying on others " or " letting things take their course ."
  • that is , the shintais can be divided into two categories: the first group of shintais is used for a regular period and then replaced by a new one , and the second group of shintais does not have a fixed period for use and replacement .
  • however , the second group of the training delegates led by hong-jip kim (born in 1842 ) met with the qing dynasty minister to japan ruzhang he and zunxian huang , and brought back " a stratagem for korea " written by huang .
    しかし金弘集 (1842年)に率いられた二度目の修信使は、駐日清朝公使何如璋及び黄遵憲と面会し、黄の『朝鮮策略』を持ち帰っている。
  • he studied in the second group of the science department (in medicine ) at the daisan koto gakko (the " third senior high school " under the old system , often abbreviated to " sanko " ) before moving on to the department of science (in physics ) at kyoto imperial university , but then re-enrolled in the department of philosophy , graduating in 1926 .
    第三高等学校 (旧制)理科乙類(医学)から京都帝国大学理学部(物理)へ進むが、哲学科へ再入学、1926年卒業。
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